Woo! Last Post! :)

Finally done blogging! WOOO! Finished a unit! YAY! :)
Links of the people that I have read and commented on their posts!

6/6- Taxing Pop Is NOT a Solution!

OH MY GOSH! The video was really disgusting! I think that the scare campaign would work for a few months on people, but I think that they would forget about it after and wouldn't care anymore. For me, I drink pop and eat junk sometimes, and I think that's fine. I usually drink pop when theres nothing else to drink, but I usually drink water or juice at home, but when im outside of the house I usually buy pop. We all know that pop is not good for our body because it has a lot of sugar which gives us more calories and it makes us more of a unhealthy person. I'll admit that I can finish 1 pop and I know everyone else can, and yes I think that the video some what help and it can help myself to be a healthier person. We also see many advertisement everywhere we go about "healthy food and dieting". I think that it is good to show advertisement about healthy food and diet because other would actually believe that it's true if we eat less junk food and less fatening food it will help us to be a healthier person and it would be easier for us to get even more active! I don't think that obesity in our nation is an epidemic of large proportions because our nation isn't that big of deal, compared to other countries. I think that obesity isn't as a big problem as it was back then. Well, in my opinion I think that if the new tax goes through in America and also Canada, I wouldn't really spend or use my money everyday buying chips or pop. It's because it will really make me an unhealthier person. So, if you want to be a healthy person eat&drink your vegetables, fruits, water, and juice! :)

5/6- Say "NO THANK YOU" to photoshop!

What is a photoshop? First of all, we should know what a photoshop is. Adobe Photoshop, also known as "Photoshop" is a graphic design editing program developed and made by Adobe Systems. It is a current market for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems.

As we may all see in magazines, advertisements, and commercials there is always a model that is posing wheather they are males or females. We may notice how some models or celebrities looks different, while others are wanting to look like them because they look nice and beautiful. I think that people who think that they look different, I think that they should think first because the word "PHOTOSHOP" can change everyones appearance. People think that celebrities and model changes because they think that they drink some pills or they work out and such things. But no, they use photoshop to change the way they look and I think its bad because they would rather want to look like someone else than their own selves. If people want to use photoshop, I think that they shouldn't use it to fix theirselves way too much because it wouldn't look that good. I understand why people like to use photoshop to edit themselves because they think that people would call them "pretty, beautiful, handsome" and suchs. Even if they want to use photoshop just because they want to be called pretty and suchs they don't have to use photoshop because everyone is beautiful and God made the way we are and how we look.

In my opinion, I think that we shouldn't use photoshop to change our image. The reason why companies makes these kinds of system is to make more money. People enjoy using their product because they think that its true and it would look good in editing photos, I agree that it would look good in photos but the truth is it would look better if you don't edit the photo because pictures/images looks better when its normal and it really shows others the way you really look and the who you are in person!

These are just some examples that I've seen on the internet and I don't think that they look that great because it seems like the person who edited the picture used way too much effect and tools to edit the image.

4/6- Video Games Drives Everyone Crazy? True!

In the history of video games and computer, the third generation began in 1983 with the Japanese release of the family computer. Later known as the "Nintendo Entertainment System" in the rest of the world. Althought the previous generation of consoles has also used 8-bit processors, it was at the end of this generation that home consoles were first labeled by their "bits".

We all know that video games have been growing for the past 20 years or more. From the old Nintendo to Nintendo Wii. Back in the days there were not much game systems which is a good thing because if there were game systems, most of the parents would be upset that their kids are playing games 24/7! But now it's different, it's even worse because many game systems have been coming out and most kids are begging their parents to buy it for them. But their parents wouldn't buy it because they know that their kids would be distracted and will get addicted and they will also loose their focus on their studies. I think that their parents can't do anything about it because their childrens will just keep bothering them about it, soo they just end up buying them the game system. I think that it's not only the video games that are progressing, the video games that are put it are also developing. The first video that was created was Super Mario and then Luigi. As years past by more games and game consoles has been created and they are everywhere around the world. "Wii, PS3, XBOX 360, Call of Duty, Wii Fit, NBA 2K10, Grand Theft Auto, Rockband, and etc. As the people who creates games, they have become more violent with killing and shooting and more kids are attracted to them, which is a bad example for the childrens because they end up copying them. However, there are some video games that develops to be advantageous, such as; Wii Fit, Brain Age, Sudoku, and etc, but the question is are they really good for you? or too good to be true? or maybe they are?

In my opinion, I think that playing video games can be good and bad. It is good when you are playing games that are challenging and you know that you can learn something from it. And it won't get you much distracted. I think games that are good for you are Wii Fit, Brain Age and Wii sports because these type of games can get you active and can also help you think faster and it is worth it because you can actually learn something from it and you can play it non-stop and it is not bad to get addicted to it because you are most likely able to get active! The bad thing about video games is when you are playing shooting and killing games, such as Call of duty, Grand Theft Auto, and etc. These games can damage most of the childrens brains because these types of games are way too violent especially for the little kids. Also, by playing this game it can change the kids mood because something when they loose they just end up getting mad, crying and changes their facial expressions. From what I think, I am for sure that video games are meant for it to be addicting. Playing a lot of video games is wrong because video games can do a lot of things to you and it can most likely damage you!

3/6- Dove and Axe!

Let's start off by saying "DOVE SMELLS GOOD" and "I LOVE DOVE". What I feel about the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is that they are awesome! I have used their product many times. Just like their face moisturizer, it actually works and it makes your face clear. I remember when I first tried it, I didn't really like it, I liked the smell but when I used it I thought it wouldn't work. So, I stopped. I only use their body soap because it smells good and makes my skin softer. I have seen many dove advertisement and I thought that they only make advertisement to make money. But really they put a lot of effort on their products and it actually works on people. I think that it is great to use Dove because it will actually work on our skin and body. Also, the women they show in advertisements are trying very hard to help the dove company earn more money and they actually make an effort to it! Wow, I think that's a lot of work. Believe it or not, not every place in the world accepts skinny drug addicted anorexic looking super model types as sexy. I think that this is what add campaign is trying to say. "Beauty is really in the eye of beholder".

What I feel about the Axe Effect Campaign is that their not as great as the Dove company. Because the smell of axe is way to strong. I understand why guys would like the smell because they think that if they use axe, the girls will chase after them. Just like the commercials they show on television. But really, what I think about axe is that their not that great. I know that the axe company try to impress people, and its working but for me I don't really like the smell of axe, I think that they smell funny and they make my head hurts especially when people spray too much! Also, when I smell axe it goes straight up my nose which makes my head hurts and I start to get dizzy.

I think that the "parent" company have their own responsibilities to ensure that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs and values. I think that they should have their own opinions on how they want to organize things and they shouldn't let any of their beliefs and values affect their product and company. Also it can affect other people because when most people see things they start to get attracted to the product!

2/6- Ads from the Past= Not for Shows at All!

As I look at these ads, it makes me wonder why people make these kinds of ads. I think that these ads are very un-appropriate because others may sometimes believe that these kinds of ad back in the days are true, but their NOT! People makes these kind of advertisements just to make money and they think its funny and it will attract the audience to believe that it is true. But really, advertisement are just for shows meaning that "it is just a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers, or listeners to make some actions". I think that advertising can be either a good or bad thing. The good part about it is it increases (dramatically) your sales. And the bad part about it is that there is too much junk food, un-appropriate pictures, and etc, that appeals to childrens.

With these kinds of ads, the people would do any kinds of things just to get consumers to buy anything and use their products! The first ad that I saw blew me away! "Eat! Eat! Eat! & Always stay Thin!" I think that the title is wrong, because if you eat a lot of food and especially junk, you can get fat and at any chance you won't be able to stay thin that is because the junk that you eat gives you a lot of calories and gets you fat and its impossible for you to stay thin if your always going to be eating every hour/minutes. This advertisement shows you that you can eat all you want, now I dont think that people would want to eat everything. I am 100% for sure that this advertisement is giving everyone a wrong message. It's because Tapeworms in humans is an organism which lives off the host, in this case you or me. The parasite of tapeworms will lives its complete life inside our bodies, feeding on our own energy, our own cells or the food we consume. The first ad gives us wrong message and others who read it! This is why we should all know that most advertisements aren't true and that we should always be careful of the things we buy because it can damage our bodies, and etc.

The second ad that shows a man and woman. I think that this ad is very un-appropriate because the man thinks that smoking and breathing on the woman will always have a woman following them. Smoking and people being around that smoker can catch second-hand and it can affect your body. I really think that smoking is really bad because you can get lung cancer and it can cause you sickness through your body and you won't be able to live a longer life. In my opinion, people who smokes should stop because many things can affect your body and the people around you and also it can affect our environment; which can kill our surroundings. In this ad, it shows me that woman likes it when mans smoke in front of them? I totally DISAGREE! because most womans hate smokers! They don't like their mans smoking and smelling bad because they can catch sickness from it! This ad also gives us wrong message because smoking will not have others following you. People should QUIT smoking!

The third ad is showing a happy looking family walking and they are happy because they eat LARD! I think that this advertisement shows us a wrong message because lard refers to pig fat in both its rendered and unrendered forms. Lards are commonly used in many cuisines as a cooking fat or shoterning, or as a spread similar to butter. Its use in contemporary cuisine has diminished because of health concern posed by its saturated fat content and its often negative image; however many contemporary cooks and bakers favor it over other fats for select uses! In order for you and your family to stay healthy and live a happy life, its important to eat and stick into eating vegetables and other kinds of food and not just lard!

The fourth ad shows that a doctor is advertising a type of brand of cigarettes called "Camels". As a doctor, they shouldn't be smoking at all because they are the ones that gives advices to their patient telling them that they should smoke at all. But this doctor is encouraging people to smoke. This advertisement is giving everyone a wrong message because smoking is bad for you! Smoking can give you a wrong message because people think that smoking can make you look cool, but really it doesn't because smoking can lead you to death.

In Conclusion, I was very shocked when I saw these advertisements from the past because they are giving everyone wrong messages. I think that the past from the ads are more un-appropriate than the ads now. The ads from the past shouldn't be shown around public because it will appeal quickly to others. With these kinds of ads, I will not listen to their messages because I DISAGREE with all the message that their telling everyone. Even if some these ads are exaggerated and showing people a bad example, there are still some restrictions.  I know that some people don't believe some of the messages that the ad gives/shows us which is good, but for those people who believe the messages that the ad gives you, I suggest that you shouldn't believe it because will bring you into a wrong direction.

1/6- Oh COOL, Google Street View?

We should all know that google has launched their new application called "Google Street View". Google Street View shows images provided by special patrol cars with roof-mounted 360-degree cameras, which take pictures of every road and street in the cities we drive through. People simply type in an address, and then it can be viewed as an ordinary map, a satellite image, or a 3D photograph.

The first time I went on the "Google Street View" website, I thought that it'd looked pretty cool. I tried to search up my address to see my house, but it wouldn't show up. It's probably because I moved into a new town house and they haven't updated it. Even if I can't see my house, I can see other places where I usually go. I think that this application is exciting because you can see your family members and friends houses and you can also see if they're in the picture! Thus, if I were in a public space without being aware, I think that I would feel exposed because everyone can see what you're doing without your permission. And people can just stalk you randomly and you won't even know. The disadvantages of Google Street View would be that there would be no privacy. Our community members house, faces, and their plate numbers will be shown through the Web. Even if their faces are blurred out and their cars, I think that it is still wrong to put images like that on the Web because people will know who you are and can just follow you that quick! Even if I think that this website is cool, I don't think that it's right for Google to post images on websites, where everyone will be able to have an access to it. Google recognizes privacy concerns, but claims to address them through their collection and processing approach: (1) public access images, no different than what would normally be seen walking down the street. (2) not in real time, so images can be months old befor going live. (3) allowing removal requests, through the "Report a Problem" option in the bottom-left of all images.

In conclusion, I realized that it is unreasonable to object to this as a privacy violation, for reasons that are especially clear in this particular case. Quite literally, there is going to be a nearly "one-to-one" correlation between the Google Street View dataset and the real world. Thus, while your image might be available to everybody, so are millions of other images. One might expect that at any given moment, the proportion of people interested in the Google picture of the specific place you were the day the google car spotted you is very roughly the same as those interested in that specific spot in real life at any given moment. Thus, for exactly the same reason you only saw a few people on the street with you at the moment the picture was taken, it's likely only a few people are interested, at one time, in that picture. We have to stop treating publication on the internet as a black-or-white phenomenon when it comes to privacy because it is rapidly gaining the presence of physical in terms of our communications and our expectations for online privacy will have to adopt some shades of grey if we were to avoid a disputable free-for-all. Just as there can be relative degrees of invisibility in physical space, we must recognize that the same concept can exist in virtual spaces!